Tuesday 21 January 2014

Dylan the Welsh Mountain Pony


Hello, I'm Dylan and I live at Marros Riding Centre, near Pendine, South West Wales. I'm a Welsh Mountain Pony - see my Daffodil? 

Do you have any food for me?? 

I love polos, carrots, apples, grass, hay, mints, pony nuts, horse mix and everything else! I want to eat whatever is in your pocket! 

I don't like dressing up - look what they did to me at Christmas!! 

I live in a big field with lots of grass and plenty of friends who you will meet later! I don't like many of them - they steal all my grass and eat it for themselves!! I like to be King of the hay bale - as you can see! 

I do many different things for my job. During the Summer, I like going on walks in the woods - you will have to wait for me though, I go at my own speed! If I don't fancy working, I pretend to have a bad foot - we get the day off then! If I keep it up, I can have the whole week off!! (The two leggers will never know!!! Sssssshhh) 

I have a really cool trick when I'm tied up in the barn. I can take off my headcollar then go and steal the other ponies' hay! The two leggers find me and tie me back up but as soon as they are gone, I take it off again! They never learn! 

I can normally take off my head collar a lot faster than that but I knew the two leggers wanted me to do it so I thought they should wait for me.  

I am famous at the yard for being the grey pony who turned brown the day before a show! I don't know why the two leggers thought it was a good idea to bath me the day before and then leave me in a stable over night!! Do they even know who I am??? I like being muddy and dirty! Like this - 

But I do scrub up nicely when I want to! I'll show you! 

This is me at the Marros Riding Centre's Pony Club Show in 2012. Just look at those plaits! And they wonder why I prefer muddy puddles! I look like a girl!!! I looked even worse when they took the plaits out!! Curls everywhere! I'm not going to show you a photo of that - I have a reputation to keep! 

Anyway, I'm getting hungry so I'm going to go and steal hay from another pony in my field! I've been told that a different pony or horse will be talking to you next week but I'm not sure who. I did mention that people will only want to speak to me but the two leggers never listen. 

Now, I'm off for some well earned horseplay! See ya!

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