Sunday 26 January 2014

Alfie the Fell cross Dales Pony


I'm Alfie - let me start off by saying that after I read through Dylan's post, I came across this lovely photo of Dylan with his curls! He must have missed it out of his own post! 

Doesn't he look sweet!

I'm sure he'll forgive me, we're good friends! Here we are together when we went to a lovely place called 'Bluestone'. 

We went to see how well we behaved for a new job but Dylan thought the job was lawn mowing which it turned out it was to give out pony rides. Biscuit and Juno got the job in the end - the show offs!! 

Here we are posing at Bluestone!

Anyway, about me now. My name is Alfie - sometimes the two leggers get me mixed up with Frodo but I don't think we look anything alike! 

See - totally different! (I'm on the left for those that get confused).

I'm getting older now but still going strong. I like being in the field - usually on my own so I get all the grass to myself or sometimes I go and steal Dylan's grass - it really annoys him! Hehe!  

I occasionally go on the beach rides and I love splashing in the waves! 

I'm quite often at the back of the ride as the big horses have such long legs - it's hard to keep up! The two leggers say another reason I stay at the back is because I'm grumpy when horses get behind me - well how would you like it with someone smelling your bum?! Do you blame me for getting grumpy?? 

I still prefer spending time in the field though - can you find me??

I've been told I'm a gentleman and do everything that is asked of me. Well I'm quite long in the tooth now and know that it's easier to do what you're told and you don't have to work as hard! Although I'm not willing to go fast when I'm supposed to! 

Hehe - she had to drag me! 

I love to help out with a group of special needs people that we regularly have at the Centre. They enjoy riding and they like my quiet nature! And it's a really nice, easy walk! I am allowed to go as slow as I like! :D

Just in case Dylan tries to get his own back on me for showing you his curls, I will show you one of me with my curls first! Then I get to keep my pride :) 

Here I am with my plaits in - I worked very hard in that Show class which is why I'm half asleep at the end of it! 

And here with my curls!

(I apologise now to Dunston for getting him in the photo too!)

Us ponies don't understand why the two leggers spend so much time plaiting us up for one or two show classes and then take the plaits out for the Gymkhana and make us look silly for the best bit of the day! 

But there is a lot that we don't understand about the two leggers! Mainly that they can walk into our field which has lovely green grass and they don't even take one bite! How can they not resist?!

Speaking of grass, I'm going to return to my field now - my hooves are aching from typing! 

Keep an eye out for the next post - no one knows who it will be! 

As Dylan said last time - I'm off for some well earned horse play! 

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